Connecting to an Existing Database
Shanon Mulley on September 16, 2013
This article describes how to connect to an existing database. This is necessary when you have installed DecEzy in a multi-user environment, or where the DecEzy client was on a different computer to the SQL Server.
All these steps are done with DecEzy open, so our first step is to start DecEzy.
Select File>Login

This will open up the connection settings window, as shown below:

Select the "Add Connection" tab:

Fill in the details as follows:
- Connection Name: Free text. Enter the name by which you wish to refer to this connection.
- Server Name: Either select the SQL Server you wish to connect to from the dropdown list, or type in its name if you can’t find it. It should be in the format of either "COMPUTER_NAME" or "COMPUTER_NAME\INSTANCE". If you are connecting to a server installed by the DecEzy installation routine, the server will be accessible by entering <Computer Name>\DECEZY into the Server Name, where <Computer Name> is replaced by the computer name. For more information, see the article: How to determine what server I should connect to.
- Windows Auth: Determines if you are using windows authentication or not. If you are not sure if you are using windows authentication, leave this unchecked.
- Username: The username you wish to connect as. By default, databases created by the DecEzy installer have a username "USER_DECEZY" set up.
- Password: The password for the user you wish to connect as. The default password for the "USER_DECEZY" user is "2010UserDecEzy".
- Database: Select the database you wish to connect to from the dropdown box. If you can’t see any databases, you have either enter one of the details above incorrectly, or there is a problem with the server. For more information on troubleshooting this, see the article "Troubleshooting Connecting to a server on another computer".
Once you have entered all the details, it should look a little like this:

When you click on "Save & Connect", DecEzy will save the details of this connection, and open the database.