• By Bruma Pty. Ltd
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    Knowledge Base

    Integrating With Your Accounting Package

    Shanon Mulley on September 16, 2013

    DecEzy is designed to work alongside any accounting package. This is done by manually entering key transactional data from DecEzy into your accounting package. DecEzy makes this easy by providing reports (print outs), which contain the necessary transactions, both details and summaries.


    DecEzy is designed to take over the majority of the sales functions from your accounting package. The key areas it replaces are:

    • Taking orders (jobs)
    • Generating invoices
    • Taking payments
    • Giving refunds
    • Giving credits
    • Issuing statements

    As such it is no longer necessary keep detailed customer information in your accounting package. It is recommended that you create a single generic customer in your accounting package, perhaps called “DecEzy Debtor”. This customer will be used now for all sales transactions coming out of DecEzy.

    As the transaction detail is stored in DecEzy (Payments/ invoices/credits), it is not necessary to transfer them all to your accounting package. It is possible to enter in a summary of transactions as a single transaction in your accounting package, saving you time in data entry, while still giving you enough information to satisfy your reporting/tax obligations.

    Transferring sales information to your accounting package has two components – revenue and payments. While these are sometimes confused as being the same thing, they are actually separate concepts, and must be handled separately when transferring data to your accounting package.

    Sales Revenue
    You will need to periodically enter your sales from DecEzy into your accounting package. Typically this will be done daily or weekly, depending on how up to date you need your accounting package to be. Most businesses will be fine with doing this weekly.

    The sales revenue data is extracted using the “Sales Revenue Detail” report. This can be from the top menu, by selecting Reports>Sales>Revenue Detail. When the prompt window appears, you will need to enter a number of details to ensure you get the right information:

    • Date From / To – Select the date range you wish to extract your revenue from.
    • Show Tax Detail – If you use more than one tax code for your sales, this checkbox should be checked so you know exactly what your tax liability is for each tax code. If you only use one tax code for sales (such as GST or VAT), this is unnecessary, as you know all tax in the report is for that one tax code.
    • Hide Details – If you are only interested in the summary, and dont wish to see the transaction detail, tick this checkbox.
    • Group By – Determines how the data is grouped. More relevant if you are running the report for a long period (such as a month or year) than for this purpose. Select Day if you wish.
    • Report Basis – This option is very important. This controls how the revenue is calculated. There are two options – Cash and Accrual. These are both standard accounting reporting methods. The very quick explaination of how they work is:
      • Accrual – All invoices are counted as revenue, as soon as they are created.
      • Cash – Invoices are only counted as revenue when they are paid. Most small businesses use this method.
    • Invoice Type filter – Allows you to show normal job invoices, or invoices generated from POS, or both together.


    The most important thing to do, is to pick a report basis, and stick to it. If you change the report basis after using one for a while, you may double enter some invoices, or not enter some invoices at all. Which method you pick depends on your reporting requirements. Most small businesses will work just fine using the cash basis.

    When the report is run, it will give a summary of your revenue for the period selected, broken down by invoice and credit note components. This can now be entered into a single sales document (order/invoice) in your accounting package, as a single line (or multiple lines, if you have multiple tax codes). Note – if you have credit notes during this period, you may need to enter a seperate credit note into your accounting package.

    You will need to periodically enter your payments from DecEzy into your accounting package. Payments are a little different to revenue, in that it is a little more time and detail sensitive, for reconciliation purposes. Besides that, the workflow is similar.

    The payment information is extracted using the Payment Detail by Method report. this is accessed from the top menu, from Reports>payments>Payment Detail by Method. When the prompt window appears, you will need to enter a number of details to ensure you see the right information.

    • Date From / To – the date range of the payments you wish to report on.
    • Hide Details – If you are only interested in the summary, and dont wish to see the transaction detail, tick this checkbox.
    • Customer Type Filter – if you use the POS component of DecEzy, and you wish to report on payments via POS seperately, you can use this option to ensure the report only shows POS, Non-POS, or all payments.

    As you will still be doing reconciliation in your accounting package, it is recommended that you run this report each day (or at least, get a total for each day – you can enter several days worth at the end of the week if you wish).

    The level of detail you wish to enter depends on the payment method. For cash, you may want to enter a single line for each day, as you do not need to reconcile each payment line. For cheque, you will probably need to enter each payment individually, to aid with reconciliation. Other payments dependon how you do your reconciliation.


    There is less integration for the purchases side of DecEzy. DecEzy generates the purchase orders, and stock is received into DecEzy. The purchase invoice, however, is not entered into DecEzy. This is entered directly into your accounting package. As the details of the order is in DecEzy, there is little need to enter the purchase detail lines into your accounting package – it can be entered as a single line.

